Sign the guestbook
Jacqualine Müller

20.12.2019 03:16:22 PM
Many thanks for another year of wonderful music. I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Getonto Milton

06.01.2019 11:26:21 AM
I first discovered SLow radio in 2009! Its been ten years of great music. I listen mostly at home. Keep up the good job
Thanks for listening!
Yoram Jerry

15.12.2018 08:43:46 AM
About a year ago I got a car from work with an Internet audio system and since then I have not stopped listening to your wonderful station on the roads of the beautiful and holy Land of Israel
George Geo

United Kingdom
09.10.2018 11:40:59 PM
I like this radio station. ~Scotland
V. David

29.08.2018 12:33:43 PM
Love to Listen.
Kuypers Kimmy

18.06.2018 12:00:31 AM
cool gedaan
Leandro Leo3487

04.02.2018 08:02:21 AM
I cant hear the radio. It say me, this radio station is not available in your country even if I use webpage or got to a Second Life parcel with this radio.
Because of music royalties, Slow Radio is blocked in some countries.
Argentina is one of them.
We hope it could be unblock soon.
Ayhan Sema

09.11.2017 07:43:04 AM
I want listen to Slow radio at work.
Jacqualine Mueller

07.11.2017 02:33:26 PM
Thanks a million to all those who make this radio station possible. Great music! Brings back lots of memories.
Everybody out there, who is listening to slow radio, please donate something, even it's just a small amount. Help them to keep it going on.
Ihr da draussen, die wie ich das tolle Musikprogramm von Slow Radio geniesst, spendet doch auch was, damit sie diesen Sender noch lange weiterbetreiben können.
Muss ja gar nicht viel sein und ihr habt euer Geld bestimmt schon unsinniger ausgegeben!
Das perfekte Musikangebot für kuschelige Stunden zu zweit und um neue Erinnerungen zu schaffen.
Yavin Bespin

09.09.2017 12:07:49 PM
Geile Musik