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Bon Jovi to Hillary Clinton: I'll Be There for You

Forget government bailouts! Former first lady Hillary Clinton is hoping Jon Bon Jovi can help with her financial crisis.
Forget government bailouts! Former first lady Hillary Clinton is hoping Jon Bon Jovi can help with her financial crisis.

The 46-year-old musician is performing at a fundraiser to pay down the remaining $6.3 million Clinton paid out-of-pocket to support her 2008 presidential bid. In all, the former New York senator coughed up $13.1 million in personal loans.

This isn't the first time Bon Jovi, a democrat, has been involved with the 2008 campign Back in October, he held a fundraiser for Obama at his New Jersey home and he also lashed out at the Republican ticket for using a Bon Jovi song without authorization.

Tickets for the event on Jan. 15 at Manhattan's Town Hall range from $75 to $1,000.

It's being called "a final evening in support of Hillary Clinton for President Debt Relief." If confirmed as President-elect Barack Obama's secretary of state, she's prohibited from seeking campaign contributions.

05.01.2009 11:17:23 AM
Source: yahoo